My most favorite sitcom lines, EVER

1) "I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats": from SEINFELD, said by one of George's paramours regarding his desire to introduce deli meats into their boudoir, in the episode "The Blood."
2) "A handful of sunshine": from the same episode of SEINFELD, said by Elaine after babysitting her friend's child (just after which she is seen to be pouring orange juice out of her handbag).
3) "I'm breezy!": from the FRIENDS episode "The One Where No One's Ready," said by Monica to ex-boyfriend Richard, over the phone, after advice from one of her cohorts to "be breezy." (and as Joey remarks afterward, "you can't say you're breezy. That totally negates the breezy").
4) "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm another person in the room.": from THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW episode "Today I Am a Ma'am," said by Rhoda, to one of Mary's many fawning admirers who is completely ignoring her (this is the same episode where Rhoda says she has to lose 10 lbs. by 8:30).
5) " guy...": from the episode "The Six and a-half-year itch" from THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW, said by Lou's son-in-law at a movie theatre, where he is attempting to introduce Lou to a woman who is not Lou's daughter.
6) "Now he's sittin' around in a chair by a window going, "my name is Bob."": from SEINFELD, said by Kramer while explaining the hazards of routine surgery to George in the episode "The Heart Attack."
7) "In the wild, there is no health care" said by Dwight, explaining the facts of life, in the episode "Health Care" on THE OFFICE.