Mad Men and its (Dis)Contents
It appears that recapping the television show Mad Men has become something of a cottage industry. And my reading the recappers has become something of a part-time avocation. I believe I may have even blogged about this a time or two before. In any case, here are a few of my favorites:
- Alan Sepinwall of What's Alan Watching over on, who also does a podcast about the show during the week with Dan Fienberg
- The majorly fabulous Tom and Lorenzo, who also do a Mad Style post every Wednesday
- Mark Lisanti on does a Mad Men Power Rankings each week
- John Ramos of Previously.TV has been known to decode the coming attractions to varying degrees of success
- Over on, a round-robin of pundits critique every episode
- Matt Zoller Seitz on Vulture has a reliably different take on the show
- My new favorite,, has a hysterically funny take on the show called something like "If Mad Men took place entirely on Facebook"
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