Friday, April 09, 2010

What I'm reading now

In case you were wondering why it has been so long since I last posted a blog entry, it's because I am inundated by a book. That's right, just the one. It's called Redeeming Features by Nicholas Haslam,and it's basically a memoir by an interior decorator. The book is filled with flowery prose in which every chair cushion is described, and once again I am left wondering why some people can remember every stick of furniture and what everyone is wearing, in addition to times, dates and places, and I can't remember what I had for lunch. In case you think I am exaggerating about the level of description, here are a few sample sentences:
  • "From the lapels, one set with a crimson carnation, down to the razor-edge creases so perfectly arranged, he seemed like an elf sculpted in mercury, his dark tie and glossily shod feet sudden shards of obsidian."
  • "Crumbling walls were fragrant with mimosa and jasmine, peppery with the scent of Malmaison carnations." (yes, the prose is literally flowery)
  • "Below, in an equally cramped pitch-pine kitchen, Chuck would cook ambitiously elaboate dinners for his musical friends, Samuel Barber, the gentle and modest composer of Vanessa, an opera that I had seen at the old Met; Leonard Bernsein, who, besides being clearly jealous of Chuck's relationship with me, I found unbearably false and conceited; and the wonderfully funny Earl McGrath, a skinny boy with glistening eyes and a drooping Proustian mustache, at the time Gian Carlo Menotti's secretary." (there's also a tad bit of name dropping)
Eventually I am sure, I will finish this book and make my way, ever so gently, back to what's left of this crumbling civilization.


Anonymous AnaVar said...

Thanks for review! I'd like to read it too (when I'll have some more extra time).

2:31 AM, May 18, 2010  

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