Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Because I Was Asked

The DL (Disorganized Librarian) asked me to write more about what I'm doing. Well, the cat is sick, I may be out a fair-sized chunk of change from canceling an overseas trip (NOT because the cat is sick, BTW), but at least I've got my health, right? Oops, scratch that! I have just finished listening to Lean Mean Thirteen and am reading Eat, Pray, Love (soon to be a major motion picture starring Julia Roberts) v-e-r-r-y slooowwly, as is my wont. And if anyone out there feels like visiting with me next week in my suburban nightm- I mean, oasis, by all means, give a shout out!


Blogger Fred said...

Now this is a five-star post! The Life and Times of the Head of Reference - gotta love it!

I keep debating whether or not I want to read Eat Pray Love. In an interview, the author said that people who like the love story parts don't like the travel parts, and vice versa. I myself am way more into the travel parts. A quick perusal has led me to believe that EPL is nonfiction chick lit - please let me know if I am incorrect.

Don't get me wrong - I have been known to read a chick-lit novel or two

3:18 PM, October 05, 2007  
Blogger Helene H. said...

I keep feeling as I read it that I could have written it (which is not bad), but I usually prefer to be wowed by an author on a literary level. I am not very far along, but I could see why Oprah likes it, which is the same thing I don't like about it - she tries too hard to be deep, and to relay her experiences as spiritual awakenings for herself. It would read much better if she just related what happened on a physical plain and let the reader make the spiritual (or not) connection. It's both too simple and not simple enough.

7:07 PM, October 05, 2007  

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