Sunday, October 28, 2007

Attention Deficit Books Disorder...

I don't know if you are one of those people who can't start a book without finishing it, but I have the opposite problem - I can't finish a book, because, well, life is short, and I keep thinking, "I shouldn't be reading this book, I should be reading that book." It probably doesn't help matters that when I turn off the TV to catch up on my reading, I then proceed to read TV Guide (and wasn't this week's episode of 30 Rock priceless? "Never go with a hippie to a second location." Alec Baldwin is quasi-brilliant!) If I quit my job tomorrow, and spend the rest of my life reading, I couldn't possibly read all the books I own right now, let alone the ones I keep on buying on Amazon. In addition, I also read v-e-r-r-y s-l-oo-w-l-y - pronouncing all the words in my head as I go along - when I read the story about Cecilia Sarkozy's divorce, I even added a French accent!



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