Adding my voice to the fray
Even though I tend to be a fan of closure, I enjoyed the non-ending - it was cool, cunning, clever and cruel, all at the same time. And if you think about it, VERY David Chase - he does have a history of pulling his punches - witness the off-screen whacking of Adriana and bringing in guest stars for one season who get whacked (Buscemi, Pantoliano), before we get too involved with them as regular cast members. And, I was thinking a few weeks ago, how could this possibly end with Tony's (on screen) murder, when we still have jokey scenes like Sil reading a book on How to Clean Practically Anything?
Anyway, I thought I couldn't wait for it be over so I could put it behind me, and of course now I'm watching the whole thing all over again on DVD, starting with Season One.
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