Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Yawk State of Mind

Well, I managed to turn off the TV at least twice in the past week to experience two icons, if that's the correct word, of New York (State) culture. Firstly when I went up to Hyde Park and had dinner at the Culinary Institute (I was in nearby Poughkeepsie for a conference), and today when I got front orchestra seats to see the American Ballet Theatre perform a most beautiful rendition of "Othello" at the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center (free tickets, courtesy of a friend's husband who works in the "theatah"). From the Met's website: "Featuring Lar Lubovitch’s whirlpool of passionate choreography and Academy Award-winning composer Elliot Goldenthal’s dramatic score, this psychological thriller reaches its inevitable, heartbreaking climax as the brooding commander Othello succumbs to the sinister Iago’s machinations, and tragedy befalls the palace."
The fact that I got a parking ticket is much more than made up for by my enhanced cultchah!


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