Friday, November 10, 2006

I think it's about forgiveness

If you haven't yet heard India.Arie's soulful rendition of Don Henley's The Heart of the Matter, you must stop whatever it is you're doing immediately (finally responding to that lawsuit/moving house/boarding a plane for Italy) and go out and buy a copy of her new CD, Testimony: Vol. 1, Life and Relationship. Or download it from the internet. Whatever.* I haven't felt this strongly about a song since Tanita Tikaram came out with Twist in my Sobriety, from her album Ancient Heart, back in the day. A couple of other songs that are similarly soul-stirring (for me, anyway) are Jol'Inkomo by Miriam Makeba (you can find it on the Transamerica soundtrack) and Skin Diver by Nona Hendryx from her album of the same name.
*Heart of the Matter


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