Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Doctor will see you now, whoever you are

It seems lately I am spending a lot of my time in Doctor's office's waiting rooms (and didn't T.S. Eliot say something to that effect?) After a while, the office personnel all start to look like this gal.
In any case, here are the top 10 ways my name is mispronounced:
    1. Helen
    2. Eileen
    3. Elaine
    4. Elayna
    5. Helaine
    6. Helena (Helayna)
    7. Helena (Heleena)
    8. Helena (Helen-uh)
    9. Hey you!
    10. Marcia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummm. I like Helayna, sounds sexy and foreign, maybe a Hungarian princess...not so bad.

7:18 AM, November 12, 2006  

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