Monday, November 20, 2006

...Different Day

.....High stress day on many levels (and if anyone was on this blog today, would you kindly write and tell me so, as my site meter chose today to crash). But the last time I counted I still have 10 fingers and 10 toes, a roof over my head and am somewhat gainfully employed. So, what's to complain?
If anyone out there, like me, is stressed, I highly recommend a laugh-out-loud little book called "Hey! It's That Guy!," the guide to character actors. From the foreword: "Because, in the end, the reason we love the H!ITG!s so very, very much is because all of us in the audience innately understand that if it were us up there, that's who we'd be, too. We can love the stars, but it's the people just behind them - and to the left - that we truly relate to. The teachers. The lawyers. The bartenders. The grating coworkers. The gossipy neighbors. The ice-blooded, possibly psychotic CIA agents who can kill you fifteen different ways with a bulldog clip and a Post-it. Okay, maybe not that last guy. But we could definitely be the teacher. Maybe even the grating coworker. That much we know for sure."


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