Perhaps my book reading would proceed more swiftly if I didn't spend two+ hours watching television last night. However, it was a good show, based on a good book - The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. Am looking forward to episode two.
I think I have FINALLY found a focus for this blog - my ongoing stress due to panic about my not being able to read all the books I own before I shuffle off this mortal coil. To that end, I am actually now trying to get rid of some of my books and brought about 5 of them to the library yesterday to donate (and was thrilled late in the day when I saw them being taken by a library page - yay! they've found a good home!) So why, then, did I need to stop at my local Borders on the way home (and WHY does the theft detector always ring when I walk in there - am I part metal?) and rebuy two of the books I just gave up (Tropic of Cancer and Candide)? To be honest, the books I gave away were in such poor condition, that if I tried to read them I would have just launched into an asthma attack...MORE ON THIS TOPIC LATER...
I have recently discovered LibraryThing, a site which advertises itself as "a community of 600,000 book lovers" where you can post books belonging to your library, or books you've simply read and enjoyed, and talk to other users with similar libraries. It's great fun, and I am definitely skewing my list to the britlit side, so I can talk to the likeminded. LibraryThing is definitely the best of the many social networking sites for the bookish, IMHO.
My dentist is a lovely and charming fellow who is quite capable of subbing for Jon Stewart anytime he is out. However, I cannot for the life of me remember the names of any of the gals on his staff. To be honest, I know their names, I just do not know to whom they belong. Perhaps it would help if they didn't all look pretty much exactly alike: young, tan, long-haired brunettes. The only one whose name I can get straight is the hygeniest, Sheila, as she's a bit older and blonde. I call her the Samantha Jones of the group. Mostly I just call them all Dawn (that's the one who calls to confirm my appointment).