My 150 Favorite Movies #34
The Endless Summer (1966)
This groundbreaking documentary, directed by Bruce Brown, takes a look at the international surfing community, and those who chase the sun looking for the perfect wave. Following particularly closely two California surfers and their endless travels (as well as travails), the film spawned many imitators, including a sequel, Endless Summer 2; Riding Giants, and Step Into Liquid. The soundtrack is outstanding, and the film itself is visually breathtaking.
This groundbreaking documentary, directed by Bruce Brown, takes a look at the international surfing community, and those who chase the sun looking for the perfect wave. Following particularly closely two California surfers and their endless travels (as well as travails), the film spawned many imitators, including a sequel, Endless Summer 2; Riding Giants, and Step Into Liquid. The soundtrack is outstanding, and the film itself is visually breathtaking.