My 150 Favorite Movies - #37
Sullivan's Travels (1941)
Each Saturday night, Robert Osborne of Turner Classic Movies has a discussion with a guest programmer on which they show and discuss a movie considered "essential." Well, by any definition, Sullivan's Travels is an "essential" movie. Hugely influential (see O Brother, Where Art Thou and Stardust Memories for two prime examples), it never fails to be both entertaining and moving. The plot concerns Sullivan, a filmmaker who is no longer interested in making comedies as he feels it is more important to show the suffering of humanity. To that end, he hits the road embarking on life as a hobo, and gets more than he bargained for in terms of suffering. By the end of the movie, all is resolved, and our hero sees that in life sometimes the most important thing we have is laughter. Directed by Preston Sturges, and starring Joel McCrea, and Veronica Lake (who was six months pregnant at the start of filming), this film is one for the ages.