Movies I like
Last night, I was dragged kicking and screaming to The Help. And even though I managed to sit through it, and may say I even sorta enjoyed it, it really was not at all my cuppa tea. Here's a list of things I generally look for:
- It came out in 1940, is in black and white, and stars Cary Grant
- A bunch of crooks are trying to rob a bank, only they're a bunch of bumbling idiots. And the whole thing's in Italian
- There's a beautiful car and it's driving along the Amalfi coast, or, failing that, the Pacific Coast Highway. Forget Domani is on the soundtrack
- It involves the Catholic church and questionable behavior on the part of some Priest
- It stars Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, or Grace Kelly, looking really glamourous
- Social misfits, not too dark, with an edgy soundtrack
- Documentaries about surfing and/or Gidget
- It could be about anything really, as long as it includes a really cool car chase through San Francisco